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Piplia - Raamattu.fi

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Multilingual Bible study app with extensive texts and offline access

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Explore the sacred scriptures with ease using Piplia - Raamattu.fi, a versatile Bible application that brings together an extensive collection of texts. Pivotal works such as the Church Book 1992, the DigiMarkus, Agricola's New Testament, and Bibel 2000 lay the foundation of this rich digital library. Users benefit from a multilingual selection, offering options in English, Russian, and more, with the interface tailored for Finnish and Swedish speakers.

The app ensures core components like essential texts and translations are accessible without requiring a login, facilitating immediate immersion in the spiritual readings. With a free account, a wider array of translations becomes available, along with personalized features such as the ability to annotate and highlight passages. Users also enjoy the convenience of being able to download content for offline study.

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Constant updates enrich the content selection, introducing new translations and educational resources to keep users engaged and well-informed throughout their spiritual journey. At home or on the move, Piplia - Raamattu.fi serves as a comprehensive tool for an immersive Bible reading experience.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Suomen Pipliaseura.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about Piplia - Raamattu.fi 5.1.2

Package Name org.ubs.ibep.finland
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Comics & Book Readers
Language English
Author Suomen Pipliaseura
Downloads 1
Date Oct 16, 2023
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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